JDPC Onitsha’s RAPID Project Popularizes Anambra’s ACJL Through Intensive Campaign in Strategic Locations. https://arisenews24.com/2024/12/20/jdpc-onitshas-rapid-project-popularizes-anambras-acjl-through-intensive-campaign-in-strategic-locations/ Anambra State reviewed its Administration of Criminal Justice (2010) in 2022 to inject innovations into the […]
REPORT OF 2023 GENERAL ELECTION, HELD ON 25th FEBRUARY 2023 AS OBSERVED BY JUSTICE DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE/ CARITAS (JDPC) ANAMBRA STATE Introduction Justice Development and Peace/Caritas Anambra State are faith […]
Capacity building is much more than the transfer of knowledge and skills to individuals and groups. Effective capacity building also improves the performance of individuals, groups, organizations, sectors and systems [...]
The institutional capacity assessment and training was designed by JDPC Onitsha for building the capacities of organizations seeking for development, growth and change from the meeting with required standards needed [...]
There were also other consultative fora where JDPC Onitsha was recognized as a relevant stakeholder to contribute ideas for effective programming. For instance, in March, JDPC Onitsha was invited for […]
i. To build active citizens that will hold duty bearers to account.
ii. To facilitate duty bearers’ responsiveness to service through mobilization and advocacy.
iii. To build partnerships and give voice to the voiceless through sensitization and rights education.
This year’s theme highlighted efforts to make education more inclusive and accessible for all youth, including efforts by youth themselves. Rooted in Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
In Nigeria, the UN’s theme for the 2019 IYD “Transforming Education” was localized by Nigeria Youth SDG to “Amplifying Youth Voices for the SDGs.” This program which was done to simplify the understanding of SDGs in Nigeria, was organized by Justice, Development and Peace/Caritas (JDPC) Onitsha in partnership with Development Centre for Orientation, Discovery and Empowerment (DeCODE) and Pro-Value Human Foundation (PHF), Nigeria.
JDPC in partnership with Education Office, Archdiocese of Onitsha used this day to organize sensitization programme on importance of maintaining good hygiene during menstruation and sex education in secondary schools. The conscientization programme targeted junior secondary school students. A total of 4 schools (QRC Onitsha, Regina Pacis Onitsha, Mercy Girls’ and Mater Amabilis both in Umuoji) were visited with a population of 3,200 direct target beneficiaries. The 9 facilitators that visited these schools in group of 2 comprised JDPC Team and the Morality Rescue Team contracted by the Onitsha Archdiocesan Education Office.
Regrettably, our environment is dirty and this calls for prompt action from all quarters to make sure that our ecosystem is secured and protected. JDPC also used the opportunity to express concern on the rate of noise pollution that has constituted so much nuisance to our environment and many other dangers associated with it.
According to recent reports, more than 152 million children are still in child labour. This issue formed part of the sensitization programmes. Other issues highlighted during the sensitization are:
Children should not work in fields but on dreams.
No school for a child is an abuse.
Time for school for a child is not time to make money etc.
JDPC Onitsha’s RAPID Project Popularizes Anambra’s ACJL Through Intensive Campaign in Strategic Locations. https://arisenews24.com/2024/12/20/jdpc-onitshas-rapid-project-popularizes-anambras-acjl-through-intensive-campaign-in-strategic-locations/ Anambra State reviewed its Administration of Criminal Justice (2010) in 2022 to inject innovations into the […]
REPORT OF 2023 GENERAL ELECTION, HELD ON 25th FEBRUARY 2023 AS OBSERVED BY JUSTICE DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE/ CARITAS (JDPC) ANAMBRA STATE Introduction Justice Development and Peace/Caritas Anambra State are faith […]
Justice Peace Development / Caritas. making impactful actions in our society and creating direct access to core development, justice for all and improving the livelihood of the poor.
Visit us at: Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Ontsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Call us on: +234 909 605 7190
Email: contact@jdpconitsha.org
Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Ontsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.
PHONES: +234 909 605 7190, +234 817 460 8607
MAIL: contact@jdpconitsha.org
JDPC (Justice Peace Development Commission) is a Vivamus volutpat eros pulvinar velit laoreet, sit amet egestas erat dignissim. Sed quis rutrum.
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