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JDPC Onitsha for the past 10 years has been in the forefront of increasing the level of citizens’ participation in governance and engaging the duty bearers for increased responsiveness and service delivery. Our governance programmes have expanded tremendously to accommodate emerging trends that facilitate effective intervention programmes that will bridge the gap that exist between the government and the governed.


Within the period under review, we have promoted rights education, face-to-face interactions, duty bearer and private sectors engagements, budget/projects  monitoring, election observation, capacity building of relevant stakeholders on the issue of governance, tax justice etc. The organization has been a voice to the voiceless in claiming their rights especially women, artisans, and low income earners in the society. Our gender programme has equally increased in scope. Through rights education, capacity building and economic empowerment, we have been able to build a good number of women and adolescence girls to assert their rightful place in the communities.



  1. To build active citizens that will hold duty bearers to account.
  2. To facilitate duty bearers’ responsiveness to service through mobilization and advocacy.
  • To build partnerships and give voice to the voiceless through sensitization and rights education.

Some of the programmes done under this unit include:


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