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Voter Education and Sensitization on the 2019 General Election Processes

In preparation of the 2019 General Elections, JDPC Onitsha carried out massive campaign on:

  1. Promoting violence free elections
  2. Reducing voter apathy
  • Awareness on election procedures and INEC preparations
  1. Promoting One Man, One Vote campaign.


All these were geared towards ensuring the smooth conduct of the general election 2019. JDPC Onitsha utilized it existing structures, Regional JDPC, Parish JDPC (P-JDPC) and Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) to carry out the campaign in churches, meetings and through interactions on radio. The sensitization programme removed the instilled fear in the citizens on alleged call for sit-at-home on election day in the South Eastern Nigeria. With this campaign, JDPC Onitsha was able to sensitize and convince the citizens to come out and vote during the elections.


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