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Friends of the poor is a group of volunteers

supporting the work of JUSTICE, DEVELOPMENT & PEACE/CARITAS ARCHDIOCESE OF ONITSHA. The purpose is to give light to the less privileged.

Each friend of the poor will contribute any amount of money they can afford to JDPC Onitsha each month. This is marked in a card with their name, Parish, Address, Phone. Such a friend boy the poor pays into our bank account and then alerts the organisation and record it in his support card.


The money would be used to:

  1. Send an indignant to School
  2. Pay Hospital Bills
  3. Support for a widow/orphan
  4. Set a prisoner free
  5. Give Food to the Hungry

Arms giving saves from death and removes innumerable sins, anyone who gives to the poor will live the full of his life. (Tobit 12:9 )